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The Cosmetic Benefits of Soft Tissue Grafting Before Implant Restoration

July 2, 2018

Dentist and assistant in exam room with man in chair smilingIf you’re in need of tooth replacement, your dentist may recommend an implant supported restoration. These tooth replacement methods are effective in restoring the entire tooth from the roots up. Most dental implant posts are crafted from high quality titanium that fuses with the supportive bone and gum tissue, mimicking the lost tooth roots. Unfortunately, these darkly colored metals can be noticeable below the gum line. For many patients, a gum tissue graft improves the chances for successful implantation, and soft tissue grafts can also be used to improve the appearance of your restored smile. In this post, we’ll review some of the ways that gum tissue grafting can improve the appearance of your smile as part of a dental implant tooth replacement plan.

Use Your Dental Insurance in Daytona Beach for a Healthy Mouth and Body

November 17, 2017

Filed under: General Dentistry — Tags: , — mydaytonadentist @ 12:22 am

Healthy smile in dental mirrorEvery month, you pay premiums for your medical and dental insurance to receive affordable care. However, when it comes time to visit your dentist, you cannot use your medical coverage to pay for your dental work. Why? Although your oral health is directly linked to influencing your general health, you cannot use your healthcare policy to pay for dental treatments because it is not often seen as a primary medical issue. However, with your mouth indicating potential underlying health complications, it is important to use your dental insurance in Daytona Beach to visit your dentist regularly.